Attention Christ followers who want to live an abundant life!

Discover How To Hear God's Voice More Consistently So You Can Be Led By His Spirit

BE More And DO More In Christ And WITH Christ

And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses,
commit these to faithful men
who will be able to teach others also. (2 Timothy 2:2)

Prophetic words about Soaring222 by Sharon Billins, the Throne Room Prophet


Dear brother or sister in Christ,

Grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord!

Above all else, God seeks INTIMACY with Him. Not only does He want you to learn how to recognize His voice and follow His whispers, but He also wants to speak through you to others. As you learn how to be led by God's Spirit in everything, you will be able to teach others to do likewise. That is the principle of true Biblical discipleship. God is a God of multiplication.

Being led by God's Spirit will allow God to work in and through you. Being led by His Spirit (Romans 8:14) is what many of God's children need to learn so they don't try to manage people's lives by telling them what to do, but rather allow God's Spirit to lead His sheep along "the green pastures and fresh waters" (Psalm 23:2) that will quench their thirst!

A church led by the Spirit is what the world needs! People need leaders who are led by God, "the Author and Finisher of their faith" (Hebrews 12:2), not by their own thoughts and minds! When a leader uses his knowledge to be praised by men, he's not being "led by the Spirit", because God is not in that motivation! When a leader uses his knowledge to manipulate people's lives, instead of encouraging them to look to God, he is not being "led by the Spirit", because God does not operate that way.

A humble servant who is yielded to God's Spirit and led by His love for the lost, desiring to touch lives with His love and teach others to teach others His divine wisdom is what God desires.

Let me ask you ...

  • Do you hunger to recognize the voice of your heavenly Father more clearly?
  • Do you want to BE more and DO more in Christ and WITH Christ?
  • Are you seeking simple solutions to seemingly complex problems?
  • Do you need inspiration, revelation, and illumination to unleash your potential?
  • Are you ready to get unstuck and LIVE THE ABUNDANT LIFE Jesus describes?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then you are invited to ...

Soaring 222: Discipling the Nations

Teaching others to teach others to be led by God's Spirit

The purpose of this 12 session course is to help you discover how to hear God's voice more clearly and how to be led by His Spirit. This will help you align with God's purposes and plans and empower your God-given dreams.

To transform our communities, we must be transformed first.

The Soaring222 series consists of 12 broadcasts (webinars) cohosted by Dr. Joseph Peck and Gary Beaton. Each session has one main speaker and several panelists sharing an inspired message intended to help you know God better and draw near to Him.

Here are the topics and speakers for the 12 sessions:

Session 1: Aligning with the Apostolic

Speaker: Dr. Bruce Cook, Chairman, Kingdom Congressional International Alliance
Panelists: Apostle Mark Henderson, Apostle Sharon Billins, Apostle John Anderson

Objectives: Discover what it means to align with the apostolic, what an Apostle is and is not, levels of maturity and types of apostles, apostolic authority, and more. After Dr. Bruce Cook's teaching, receive powerful prayers of impartation and activation.

Session 2: What is a Real Prophet?

Speaker: Ken Fish, Kingdom Fire Ministries; speaker for The Convergence Council
Panelists: Pastors David and Ronda Ramer, Diane Jackson

Objectives: The Bible takes the existence of prophets for granted. Indeed, both the Old and the New Testament presuppose them, although their roles change from the Old to the New. Most people who have written about prophets, especially in a scholarly way, are themselves not numbered among them. This naturally shades their viewpoint, and not always favorably. Discover 15 characteristics of a mature prophet based on scripture to help you better understand how they think, feel, and act.

Session 3: Preparing the Bride for the Bridegroom

Speaker: Dr. Sharon Billins, Palm Tree International Ministries
Panelists: Carolyn Lamotte, Lynne Lee

Objectives: Define roles of the Bride and the Bridegroom. Understand the natural bride and preparations, Godly brides and bridegrooms, and the Church as a bride.

Session 4: The Power of the Empty Cross

Speaker: Max Greiner, Founder of The Coming King Foundation
Panelists: Bill and Freddie Morill, Louada Raschke

Objectives: What is in your hand? Each of us has something. If you give that to God and ask Him to bless it, what might happen? Are you waiting on God or is He waiting for you to take the next step? Come watch and listen to this amazing God story showing what is possible when someone listens, trusts, and obeys God. Perhaps it is time for you to dust off your dreams.

Session 5: God's Turnaround Verdict - Daniel 7:22

Speaker: Jon and Jolene Hamill, Lamplighter Ministries (Washington DC)
Panelists: Brian Francis Hume, Nancy Slocum, ? Jodi Davis

Objectives: What is The Turnaround Verdict and how does this apply to you, your nation, and our world? Discover what The Turnaround Verdict is and when and how the gavel came down releasing the Daniel 7:22 verdict from the courts of Heaven. Learn how this affects and applies to nations as well as to people.

Session 6: Contending with God for Personal Breakthrough

Speaker: Steve Shultz, Founder of The Elijah List
Panelists: Apostle Sharon Billins, Glenisaah Stauffer, Lynne Lee

Objectives: Transformation begins in your mind. And for most of you, God is about to BLOW YOUR MIND with what it really means to CONTEND WITH GOD. When you hear the statement: "IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU! IT'S ABOUT HIM!" how does that it make you feel? Does hearing that make you FEEL closer to God? Is is true that it's all about Him? If it's not about you, who IS it about - who else did Jesus die for? It's personal - this whole thing - is personal! You have to start with "IT'S PERSONAL!" Discover a new facet of God's personality and how he likes it when people argue their case.

Session 7: Revealing Heaven: An Eyewitness Account

Speaker: Kat Kerr, Founder of One Quest International
Panelists: Caroline Lamotte, Glenisaah Stauffer, Lynne Lee

Objectives: PREPARE to be FOREVER changed and receive HOPE for Eternity! God has lifted the veil between Heaven and Earth. Caught up by the Spirit of God, Kat Kerr was taken on tours of Heaven for over 10 years and is now commissioned to reveal the truth. Learn about The Portal, where the Redeemed in Heaven go to view their loved ones on Earth. Hear about The Rush, Heaven's largest roller coaster and visit the Nurseries for miscarried and aborted babies; and MUCH MORE!

Session 8: Explosions of Holy Knowing Through Art and Sound

Speaker: James Nesbit, One of the leading prophetic artists in the earth today
Panelists: Pam Finlay, Glenisaah Stauffer, Lynne Lee

Objectives: The Kingdom is within us, so there should be explosions of holy knowing within us. An explosion of holy knowing is a burst of eternal light. Our churches in general have worship as entertainment, but God is empowering His people through the power of prophetic art and worship.

Session 9: The Whole Soul - Rescripting Your Life For Personal Transformation

Speaker: Dr. Gayle Rogers, Founder of Forever Free
Panelists: Dr. Bruce Cook

Objectives: Transform your life as you change your thoughts. A key to wholeness is found in this simple yet profound truth. The Whole Soul offers simple solutions to earth-shattering, overwhelming, every day life crises. Transformation has never been easy, yet we have the solution to every issue we encounter. Imagine living a lifestyle where you literally have the power to walk over every circumstance, every obstacle, and every challenge - a lifestyle where you have authority to take captive every debilitating thought and toxic mindset - changing your life permanently.

Session 10: Intentional Creation: Partnering with Heaven to Change Your Reality

Speaker: Phil Zaldatte
Panelists: Steve Maddox, Aaron Evans, Lynne Lee, Glenisaah Stauffer

Objectives: When we imagine but do not create we are left with an overwhelming sense of dissatisfaction. When we imagine a better world and do not risk to create it we find no fulfillment in our success. When we imagine ourselves as better, or different than we are, but do not change we are in danger of despair and hopelessness. Humans must create, not only to express ourselves but to find ourselves.

Learn about 1) The significance of the year 2015 or 5775 on the Hebrew calendar, 2) Crafting your life into a work of art, 3) Seasons of transition, 4) Principles of transition, 5) The 3 primary stages of transition, and 6) The pathway to your greatest potential.

Session 11: Releasing Frequencies of Life

Speaker: John Tussey
Panelists: Louise Jones, Lynne Lee, Glenisaah Stauffer

Objectives: Learn about recording with frequencies of the Periodic Table of Elements, how everything has a unique vibration, resonating with Heaven, gifts of healings and frequencies, and flowing.

John Tussey is an award-winning recording artist. He has received divine revelation of a type of heavenly music that cleanses the DNA at the sub-atomic level. As the music goes forth into the cells, the cells will respond with joy, recognizing the vibrations as those first released from heaven.

Session 12: Embassy of Heaven: Thrones, Crowns, and Scepters

Speaker: Glensiaah Stauffer
Panelists: Lynne Lee, ? Apostle Sharon Billins

On March 16, 2015, Karline Cunningham, Vice President of Global Training for Empower 2000, wrote: "The model of the new Church is training and equipping people to be atmosphere changers in all 7 spheres. I saw Empower 2000 as the interconnection among these different communities and apostolic centers ... communities within communities. Many of these virtual communities will be part of the apostolic training centers in their 'church' communities."

The Sound of the Trumpet: 222

On a Sunday in early January 2011, three unusual things happened in a single day related to "222" that grabbed my attention. A few days later, Renato Amato, my good friend in Italy, posted a new article on his blog titled "WFJ: Your sound of the trumpet: 222!" Renato knew nothing about what had transpired with me a few days earlier. Here is an excerpt of Renato wrote:

In the recent weeks I have heard the voice of the Lord more than once, speaking to my heart and saying: "222!!! That's the sound of the trumpet for your life: 2 Timothy 2:2!" - "The things that you have heard of Me, teach them to faithful men who shall be able to teach them to others also!"

(WFJ = Words from Jesus): 222! That's the sound of the trumpet for your life: "Teach Others TO Teach Others" (2 Timothy 2:2)! T.O. TO T.O. You were created for this, not only to teach others "the things you have heard from Me" in the past, but also those that you continue to hear from Me, when "it's not you that speak, but the Spirit of My Father speaking through you" (Matthew 10:20)!

I want you to Teach Others TO Teach Others to be led by Me, allowing My Spirit to work in and through them. I want you TO Teach Others TO hear My voice, to follow the whispers of My Spirit and learn to be led by Me in everything! Being "led by My Spirit" (Rom. 8:14) is what many of My children need to learn, and you can "Teach Others TO Teach Others" to be led by My Spirit in everything they do, so they don't try to manage other people's lives by telling them what to do, but allow My Spirit to lead My sheep along "the green pastures and fresh waters" (Psalm 23:2) that will quench their thirst!

Teach Others TO Teach Others to be led by My Spirit! A church led by the Spirit is what the world needs! People need leaders who are led by Me, "the Author and Finisher of their faith" (Heb. 12:2), not by their own thoughts and minds! When a leader uses his knowledge to be praised by men, he's not being "led by My Spirit," because I'm not in that motivation! When a leader uses his knowledge to manipulate people's lives, instead of encouraging them to look to Me, he is not being "led by My Spirit," because I do not operate that way.

A humble servant who is yielded to My Spirit and led by My love for the lost, by My desire to touch lives with My love and My divine wisdom to Teach Others TO Teach Others, is what I need! That will make you the effective tool that I need, a "faithful and wise servant, who gives meat to My household" (Matt. 24:45), recognizing that it's "My" household, not his! Those who will come to your side to help you build the dream that I have put in your heart, will do it because they are of My household, being led by My Spirit.

God's Big Dream - A Spiritual League of Nations

In 1995, the Lord showed Gary Beaton an open vision on his way to Morningstar in Charlotte, NC. The LORD clearly spoke to him to call "Destiny" with a para-church blueprint or model that can be modified given an apostle's vision for a particular city, region or nation's need with apostolic/prophetic oversight.

These apostolic training centers would be campus-type settings that would serve to train, equip and release Believers on a practical level into their "Destiny", while at the same time helping to mature them into the fullness of Christ as the Apostle Paul spoke of in Ephesians 4.

They will be places of learning and mentoring in the 7 spheres, while those being trained can come alongside leaders in the on-going practical application of their sphere and then be released with the resources to accomplish their calling. At the center of the campus is an auditorium with the 24/7 Harp and Bowl worship and intercession model that would bring the atmosphere of Heaven, so that the Presence of God has a place to dwell continually and the atmosphere of Heaven is tangible throughout - a place where the Supernatural realm is embraced and revelatory ideas from the Throne are released.

This model reflects much of what God has placed in Gary's DNA for Media and the Creative Arts. However the blueprint is flexible and can be modified as needed to fit other apostolic visions in the 7 spheres depending on the needs and the leadings of the Holy Spirit.

In August of 2001, Dr. Mark Chironna prophesied over Gary that God would use him to help establish a "League of Nations" in the spirit - an Apostolic networking that will cause a great release in strategy and skill sets to the Body of Christ at large.

While Gary was in Television 37 years, the LORD transitioned him by having him "burn his plow" and commissioned him as an apostolic and prophetic leader to see this birthed. Gary feels the presence of the "Angels in the Fire" was a supernatural confirmation of the timing of its release as well.

How This Training Program Works

During April, May, and June 2015, Gary and I (Dr. Joseph Peck) cohosted a powerful 12-Session virtual global conference to teach others to teach others to be led by God's Spirit with the end-goal of discipling the nations.

The live sessions are now over, but you still can receive access to all the resources for all 12 weeks by signing up now.

After signing up successfully, you will receive immediate access to the private member site with video and audio replays, presentation outlines, PowerPoints, transcripts, and outstanding coaching guides to help you apply what you are learning so that your life and your relationship with God are forever transformed.

As a Soaring member, you will access to a private Facebook group so that you can interact and build relationships in a safe, trusting environment with other like-minded team members globally.


100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Satisfaction GuaranteeIf you are not delighted with the training and the results you experience, simply email us within 30 days of signing up and we will either reconcile the problem or gladly refund all your money.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Guaranteed!

Your success is our success and vice versa!


Soaring 222: Discipling the Nations
Training Program
Priority Order Form

Soaring eagle YES! I want to join this GLOBAL COMMUNITY of leaders who are empowered, equipped, and strategically connected for massive impact world-wide.

After signing up successfully, you will receive immediate access to the private member site with video and audio replays, teaching outlines, and webinar transcripts for each week as well as other relevant and valuable bonus resources.

The normal price for this training and impartation is $300 for all 12 sessions.

CLICK button to join!

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Joseph PeckBlessings to take hold and seize the day!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor
Empowering Dreams
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

P.S. God is on the move empowering, equipping, and strategically connecting His saints globally. You are invited to be a part of this unprecedented move of God. Seize the opportunity today.


Gary Beaton with staffGary Beaton is supernaturally called by God to bring transformation glory to the nations. His heart is to bring about Restoration and Revival in personal lives, cities and nations. He is an anointed apostolic and prophetic leader as well as an award-winning television and film producer.

Dr. Joseph Peck is supernaturally called by God to POWER NETWORK God's army around the world - to network the networks, to connect people, ideas, and resources in Christ for creative miracles. His passion is creating a movement Empowering Dreams of millions of people globally through coaching, journaling, and life-changing webinars. His is a physician and creative marketing and communication strategist.

And he (Moses) said, "Please, show me Your glory." (Exodus 33:18)